Application and Enrolment

Application Dates 

Business & Finance College is accepting applications for the new academic year all year round.


Course of education

The course of education - 1st and 2nd year gives you the opportunity to gain professional qualification in profession: "Company manager".

  • Students are divided into groups.
  • Each school-year every student develops 4 projects in the fields of: registration, organization and management of small and medium enterprises with different activities.
  • At the end of each school-year the students have practical work in different companies.
  • The education concludes with state exams.

Entry requirements & Documents

Here are listed the eligibility criteria for our students, assessment procedure as well as the documents needed. Please, note at the opportunity for on-line application. While your application may be accepted online, the enrolment is personal.

Documents necessary for enroling in the college:

  • A High School diploma
  • Filled in Application form
  • Applicants receive a package with application documents which have to be filled in the term mentioned.

Application Assessment Procedure

Assessing Your Application

Assessing each application fairly and consistently within an extremely competitive field is a difficult task. Applications are assessed on their own merits and in competition with others, as for most courses we receive many more applications than we have places available.

We will endeavour to provide feedback to candidates to whom we are not able to make an offer when this is requested, but please remember that decisions are often made on a competitive basis and therefore there may be many more candidates who meet the typical entry requirements than can be made offers.

Your Qualifications

We are happy to consider applications from candidates offering many different qualifications. Since we believe that studying the business principles is the way to success in all spheres of work we accept candidates with different interests.

English Language Requirements

The Business & Finance College provides you the unique opportunity to improve your English or to start learning it. Our students with higher level of competence in English may learn more specialized terms in the field of economics, project management, EU integration, etc. Many other foreign language qualifications are acceptable and the Admissions Team is happy to provide advice.


Dates for candidating and enrolment

Business & Finance College is accepting applications for the new academic year all year round.


Documents required for applying to the College: 

a / High School diploma (Baccalureate)
b / Filled Application form pack (In the College, you receive a package of application documents and an application form to fill out). Our website has the opportunity for online application, but document confirmation and enrolment require personal presence. 

Documents required for enrolment in college after application results are known: 

Necessary documents for enrolling in first education year: 
a / pack of completed documents - received from the college; 
b / medical certificate; 
c / 4 photos - passport size; 
d / High school Diplom (Baccalaureate); 
e / ID card; 
f / semester tuition fee (when entire annual fee is paid, a 10% discount is made).  


Office Hours 
Monday 13:30 pm - 16:30 pm 
Tuesday 13:30 pm - 16:30 pm 
Wednesday 13:30 pm - 16:30 pm 
Thursday 13:30 pm - 16:30 pm 
Friday 13:30 pm - 16:30 pm