College History
Address: Sofia 1113, Iztok region, str. Rayko Alexiev 48
Business and Finance College was established in 2000. Order of theMinistry of Education: № RD-14-166 01.08.2000/State Newspaper 68 of 18.08.2000,Administered post-secondary education.
Duration of education - 2 years.
Training starts from the 2001/2002 academic year with the first class of 11 students in the specialty "Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises".
In 09.2003 the College signed a framework cooperation agreement withNew Bulgarian University for 5 years. In connection with the change ofregulations and orders of Ministry № RD-14-67 01.06.2004g./State Newspaper 52of 18.06.2004 in 2004 the College begins enrolment at majors – “Economics and Management” and “Entrepreneurship and Management”, profession: Economist-manager.
In 2008 with Order of the Ministry of Education № RD-14-35822.07.2008/State Newspaper 71 of 12.08.2008 the College introduced new majors“Entrepreneurship and Management in tourism” and “Entrepreneurship andmanagement in the hospitality industry”, profession: Business Manager.
As a result of good cooperation with the New Bulgarian Universityin August 2008 the College signed a framework cooperation agreement, whichentitles the graduates of Business and Finance College - Sofia to continuetheir education at the University, according to the national regulation.
Since the establishment of the college until now the College havesupported a significant number of students’ participation in internationalevents and projects: Participations in World Youth Congress - Scotland(Stirling, 2005), European Youth Congress - UK (Newcastle, 2006), Austria(Muerzzuschlag, 2007) and Slovenia (Izola, 2009); Successful participation ofstudents in projects of the Institute for Economic Studies in France, Germany(Cologne, 2003), Romania (Deva, 2007), Bulgaria (Youndola 2004, Varna 2005),France (Aix-en-Provence, 2007) and Belgium (Brussels, 2007) ; Participation inprojects with students in the Youth Programme of the EU and Youth in Action Programmeof the EU in Greece (2009), Poland (2007), Italy (2006), Hungary (2006), Turkey(2005) and participation in the project under the "Citizenship"Programme of the EU in Spain (Santiago de Kampostela, 2007).
There are seven successfully completed full courses ofeducation since 2003. Some continue their education at university, otherscreate and manage their own business or work in government or privatesector.
Business and Finance College is a member of the Association"Youth of Bulgaria and the World", Association "HELP",Bulgarian Association of Private Schools.
The training is in line with modern educational requirements:modern teaching methods, multimedia, online information center with electronicmaintenance of administrative and academic databases. The team of lecturersconsists of established names in the field of vocational education andtraining, and academic rank of professors from various universities.
The facilities, training methods and specialties are continuouslyupdated and modernized in accordance with market needs, each step aims at ahigh quality professional training in Business and Finance College - Sofia.